Mar 17Liked by Ryan Walsh ๐ŸŸข

It freaks me out how much everyone is the same inside. I think the common denominator is ambition. Fun to see my name in your post.

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Mar 11Liked by Ryan Walsh ๐ŸŸข

Loved everything about this post! It's easy to read and super clever! Solopreneurship is so rewarding but a grind. It takes so much hustle that I think it's something everyone should try once. And it's best to do it while you're young and got the energy. I'm pumped to follow you more!

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Thanks, Cal!

It's interesting that you used the words "grind" and "hustle".

Those words have been resonating with me less as I get older (40 now).

I think people could describe my behavior so far using those words, but I wish I'd found more alignment and leverage (less brute force).

That's my hope going forward.

What has your experience been?

I'm also curious to hear you elaborate on "it's something everyone should try once". Thanks!

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I can relate to every single point here: the imposter feelings, the thrill, finding clarity through writing...We are on the same boat, Ryan.

So happy to hear you are getting recommendations from my pub ๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ‹

Keep it up!

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On one hand, I get disappointed that it takes me so long to write.

On the other, I wonder "How much longer would it take me to THINK if I weren't writing?"

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Mar 17Liked by Ryan Walsh ๐ŸŸข

At present my substack is my journal with lots deleted before I post. Iโ€™ve gotten so much out of writing it.

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