This was a good post, Ryan. Nicely formatted, took me through the journey. Used my senses and was relatable.

So much so that I’m consciously afraid of the next part of our journey - stopping full time travel.

I like the relaxed vs excited paradigm. That is a good model which will be in my head for a long time. It’s now time to figure out how I’m going to keep the excitement in my life as it relates to location.

Thanks for the mental preparation.

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I bet you and your family will do great! Anyone who can do what you've just done will certainly stay adventurous in one way or another πŸ˜€

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This was really interesting, thank you for writing about it. You’ve given me relaxed/excited food for thought. Plus I love the idea of finding someone you’re excited to keep hanging out with. Hope Baguette feels better soon.

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Thanks so much for reading!

Yeah, as an introvert, meeting Katie was notable: she was the first person where I never wanted a break.

Usually, being alone is necessary for recharging. But I can recharge *while hanging out with her*, which felt new.

Thanks for your comment, and yeah Baguette is feeling much better. πŸ˜€

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Happy to hear Baguette is doing well!

I love how cats live their life, there is so much we can learn from them.

I also have been thinking recently about this contradiction of wanting/needing certainty but also excitement, so thanks for writing about it! It was a great read, as always.

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Thanks for reading, Sabrina! :-)

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So happy to hear this and you are welcome, Ryan!

I recommend your pub because it's genuine and you provide great advice and real examples that can help people.

Keep it up!

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Thanks, you too, Veronica!

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